Saturday, August 13, 2011

American Ingenuity (Part I)

Tonight's post will be short, and somewhat themed.

The theme?
What could we do, as a country (for my fellow Americans) to be smarter?
This includes any kind of innovation, educational overhaul, policies, etc.

We'll start simple.
If you haven't traveled internationally, you may not know that several other countries have weird toilets.
Not in the sense that they spin the opposite the sense that they have two buttons instead of a lever. (Note: Yes, I'm aware the whole opposite direction flush thing is a myth.)
One button flushes the toilet with significantly less water than the other.
In layman's terms, you have a separate flush for piss and shit.

Consider for a second how much water that saves.
Now ask yourself, why don't we see those anywhere?

Good question.

- C


  1. We could more than quadruple the TINY budget spent on scientific research.

    We could also more than quadruple the amount of money spent on public education. The key to education is encouraging curiosity, not teaching facts and dates. Curiosity is what makes humanity smarter, not memorization.

    I'm pretty sure we could come up with the funding out of the taxes that corporations are NOT paying.

  2. Sounds like a plan.

    Of course, a fair (read: flat rate) tax is just too reasonable. People would never vote for it - couldn't be conservative or liberal or whatever other adjective is required to get a vote these days.

  3. Eh, I support the fair tax more than a flat tax, but a flat tax would still be better than the shit we've got now.
