Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dreamscapes and escapes

I've been obscenely tired lately. Having a difficult time getting out of bed, you could say.
It's more that once I lay down, it's for a very long time. I've slept in stints of 12 hours, and then stayed awake for the next 24.
I'm tempted to blame meds, but I don't really have a reason for that.

On the bright side, maybe, it's given me some excellent weird dreams.

I'm going general and vague here, details have never been my strong suit.

At one point, I'm going through airport security. It's more space-age than anything, and I'm not quite sure who is with me...there are 3-4 of us, though. We're flying to Australia (go figure) and then going to some vacation spot South of it. Thing is, it isn't New Zealand. So this vacation spot probably doesn't exist, unless we're talking the Lost World.
Plane ride is uneventful, and dream-time seems to skip over it. Only thing I got from that is one of the girls and I joined the mile high club. Somehow unnoticed by the rest of the plane, despite never leaving our seats. Again - this is not your average 747. I'm not quite sure how to explain the design, but the interior looked like a twisted combination of C130 and the X-jet.

Now, we skip Australia in dream-time altogether. The vacation spot ends up being taken hostage by some kind of terrorist group. (If you follow Sanctuary, the episode from a few weeks ago comes to mind. Only with more...swamp.) I manage to hijack a sort of crop-duster style bush-plane and fly us (although it focuses on just me, now) out. Make it to Sydney, only not Sydney...and then I'm stuck trying to find a way out of the country without calling my ex.

That's just one example. Scenes twist and change shape a lot, which I figure means my brain is working some stuff out. Or I'm exhausted. One or the other.

New updates to follow, possibly. I don't know.

Oh, don't forget to wish Tyler Kelsay a happy 21st at midnight.

- C

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