Saturday, March 24, 2012

Musical Moments #1

Right, so reasonably often I find myself on a music binge. I'm stuck on this one song, this one album, this one artist. Other times I'm going for a variety pack, listening to everything I can get my hands on for a week or so.

I've always thought to myself, I should keep track of those moments. I can get hidden gems stuck in my library and lost there for years before I rediscover them.

Then it dawned on me...I have a blog. Why not put up some of those thoughts and binges and rants?

Thus I give you Musical Moments. I make no apologies for the content, or my discussion of it.


First, I'm going to go ahead and say the most underrated album of the year (to date) is Lacuna Coil's Dark Adrenaline.

I liked this album the first time through, and I've been a Coil fan for some time now...I really feel like they came into their own sound with the last album, Shallow Life. Now they've had some time to develop that sound and start digging into it to find the right resonance.

I'd call it a resounding success. There aren't any moments where I find myself missing the guitar, or bored with the rhythm. I don't notice lulls, or waning interest, and I don't get that feeling that I could burn myself out on a song that so often plagues me with artists - even those I enjoy and respect.

It doesn't hurt that Cristina's voice is still spectacular. Seems the male lead is coming into his own as a singer, although you can still hear his accent far more clearly than hers. 

All things considered, Dark Adrenaline, well...I keep coming back to it. I keep finding a new thing I like about a track, or getting hung up on a different lyric or melody. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's my favorite Coil album to date.


The Army Inside
Give Me Something More
Kill the Light
Trip the Darkness

If you like covers, Losing My Religion is pretty fantastic too.

I'll end this first little endeavor with a video link that really is just a song link. Why not?

Stay tuned.

- C

1 comment:

  1. You didn't name the song "End Of Time"... I really liked that one....

    "Cause I belong to you.
    Cause I am part of you.
    I am dying in your arms.
    It's time to go, I can't make it through."

