Saturday, April 7, 2012

Public Servants

I got harassed by a police officer again tonight. Walked up about a foot from my face and yelled at me, "STEP AWAY!" because his partner had basically whispered it outside a loud club.

Was I drunk? No. Was I disorderly? No. Was I interfering with their attempt to shakedown another patron of this club? No.

Remind me again, officer, who the fuck pays your salary? Oh, right, taxpayers.

Remind me, officer, where in the law it says you have the authority to be belligerent to random citizens? Oh, doesn't. It says I am innocent until proven guilty.

Remind me, officer, why I should put up with that kind of bullshit? Oh, because you are doing it for the greater good? No. Fuck that.

Maybe you had a bad day, whatever. I don't give the slightest shit about that.
I've had bad days too. I had plenty of customers treat me like garbage while I worked at Walmart. Do you know what was expected of me, after that? A smile and a polite greeting for the next customer. This was while I was on the payroll of a PRIVATE corporation. Why should I expect differently from you, paid by PUBLIC funding?

I shouldn't. I will not put up with that kind of garbage anymore. Yell at me again for walking by, or doing absolutely nothing illegal or illicit or even apparently suspicious. I dare you.

- C

 Note: I do not believe this applies to all police officers, or even by necessity most. I have had particularly bad luck with law enforcement for a long time, and I recognize that many of the people doing it are in it for the right reasons and do not treat people poorly for no reason.
But I refuse to pretend that some do not abuse the authority they believe comes with the office, and I refuse to tolerate it purely out of respect for their betters. 

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