Monday, May 14, 2012

Musical Moments #5

Right, so I think it's a good time to go over some nomenclature and how I have discussed (and will continue to do so) music.
If you are looking for one of the reviews, go elsewhere. If you are looking to understand one of the reviews, read on.

First, I will talk about anything and everything that I enjoy either as a musician or a listener. I restrict myself to no particular genre - and as such, I have very little patience for genres with too many adjectives. If you need "post grindcore industrial goth-techno-metal" to distinguish one band from the other, this blog is not for you.

My definitions of genres are pretty simple: rock is power chords and those nifty fifths in a blues progression. Metal opens itself to more frequent use of minor intervals and tends to dump the blues progression.
I recognize that this is not always the case, but I find it is a -way- more useful indicator than "how much do they scream and how much double bass is there?"

When I talk about a groove, I am talking about that fundamental piece of a song that makes you want to headbang, clap, dance, or otherwise make a fool out of yourself. It consists of the rhythm - typically bass and drums - with some occasional input from other instruments. Without a groove, a song can still be good. With a groove, a good song gets put on repeat.

A hit, for those lacking wondering, is an accent. The drummer slams a cymbal, the guitarist hits 11 on a chord, the singer gives that extra punch to the note. The presence of things like hits, crescendos, layering, and other such elements are what distinguish good artists from great ones.

Aside from that, I do take requests. If there's something - especially something local, indie, etc - that you feel I should get my hands on and review, just ask. Comment on a post, email me, whatever.

With that, signing off.

- C

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