Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Trigger (Un)Happy

Oklahoma is looking to pass an Open Carry law, and it appears to have no significant opposition.

First thing - I have no qualms with guns. I fully support the right to bear arms (and to arm bears, if you're curious) and see no reason citizens shouldn't be able to defend themselves (read: stand your ground laws) when they feel their lives are in danger.

That said? Open Carry has to be the single stupidest thing this state has come up with this year.

For an element of my perspective on this, imagine if you will a picture from Kill Bill - a woman carrying around a katana. Imagine seeing this in the street nearby.
Now, by all means, tell me what the difference is between that and the same woman carrying a gun.
(No, I am not using women as an example because I don't feel they are responsible with firearms. Coincidentally I suspect they'll average higher responsibility than men. Fuck your gender biases.)

That isn't what concerns me, though. Does a citizen have the right to own a gun?
Does a citizen have the right to carry the gun, if they've demonstrated they can use it proficiently (read: not put others at significant risk by doing so?)

Do they have the right to make it clear to everyone that they are packing heat?
Sure, I suppose. Does that make it an intelligent move?
Not even a little.

Might as well paint a red target on your back and front, because you, citizen, will be the first one to die in any and every violent crime henceforth.
If you're missing the memo here, not only does that put your life in danger, but it also puts everyone around you in danger. No law exists stating that criminals need to be good shots.

Criminals have no concept of showing they are carrying a weapon, and when they can clearly see that you are, they will target you before even a police officer.

Why? Because police have rules to follow before they can use a gun, and while the same -should- be true for civilians, it is not. A civilian will be tried, certainly, for using a gun...but that is not the same.
Courses in gun safety, shooting, whatever? They are great for teaching you how to use a gun.

They do not teach you when, or why.

Do I trust the public to know that implicitly?
Absolutely fucking not.

Fundamentally, then, my stance is that people have every right to carry a gun out in the open...but passing a law to that effect would be immeasurably stupid.

If for no better reason than conspicuous consumption. Your neighbors have a gun, and carry it, so why shouldn't you?
More guns may be within the rights of the people...just like there is something to be said for fighting fire with fire. This does not, however, entail that pouring gasoline on a stove is a wise choice.

By all means, Oklahomans, paint the target on your back. I hope for all our sakes that you know what you are doing, but I can't help but doubt it.

I'll end with a question, though.
If everyone around you in a mall is carrying a weapon, and the area has anything resembling a crime rate...let's say you see someone moving for their side - maybe for their gun, maybe for their wallet - let's say you have a gun. Do you shoot? Do you trust that they are an innocent citizen like you? Do you believe that they are asking the same questions about you?
Do you really feel safer, or do you feel like you entered a war zone without anyone asking if you wanted to do it?

- C

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