I realize the title can be somewhat inflammatory, so let me say these things at the outset.
First, I have no particular quarrel with atheists. I respect atheism as much as any other faith, and will fight tooth-and-nail for your right to make that choice yourself rather than have it forced upon you by parent, pariah, priest, or Parliament.
Second, I am in fact a Christian. I am not a young Earth creationist, or any of the labels you might be familiar with as "standards." My faith is mine - it is unique, and it is personal, and for the sake of this argument it is not relevant.
Third, along the lines of that respect, I am a firm believer in polite discourse. If you can maintain a level head, I am always happy to discuss my faith, your faith, other faiths, etc. I don't mind. Right up until it becomes a battle of insults, but that is not a fault of the discussion, but rather the people involved.