Friday, June 10, 2011

A Taste of Chaos

A few random, disjointed thoughts from the last 24 hours.

First - wouldn't it be interesting to use a particle accelerator to charge a battery? Grossly inefficient with the current tech, but really cool anyway.

Antifreeze, while smelling sweet, tastes like absolute shit. (Note - mouth-starting a siphon is tricky. Yick.)

Lock mechanisms in vehicles consist of metal rods held together with plastic clips. Plastic clips. Metal rods. Did no one see a problem there? Fuckers break all the time.

I imagine you can get high off the smell of freon. At least I could, when I was little. I'd go up to window units and smell them every time they came on. Might account for some of the lunacy.

Whatever happened to good cartoons? Pinky and the Brain, Darkwing Duck - hell, Bill Nye and the Magic Schoolbus.
When I was a kid, you could actually learn from cartoons. What's the excuse now?

Lastly...if the rotary engine is more efficient than a standard internal combustion, why does the same rule not apply (or is at least not as well-explored) with rotational generators? You'd think a bipolar magnet would be less effective than a tripolar/etc magnet...but that's all I've ever seen.

That'll be all, for the moment.


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