Thursday, October 6, 2011


(Too soon?)

Steve Jobs up and died while I wasn't paying attention. Go figure.
Let's be blunt - I am not an Apple fan. I think they are overpriced and frankly not that special. I don't like the cult vibe I get from their supporters, and I definitely am not a fan of their incompatibilities with other technology. *CoughFlashCough*

That said, to be under the impression that Jobs was not innovative would be at best woefully naive.
So we've lost another visionary.

I'm not exactly sad about it. I mean, I can see why his family and friends will mourn. But everyone else?
I can understand, sympathize, even empathize with mourning for soldiers and children and people cut off before their time. Even if you don't know them, that's reasonable.

But Jobs lived a pretty full life.
More pointedly, everybody dies.

The fact is, he left behind something extremely lasting - left an impact on the world that isn't going anywhere. We should all be so lucky.

"Everybody dies. The goal is not to live forever, but to create something that will."

- C

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